新 聞 發 布  Press Release

8-6-2019 最佳挑戰者
The Best Challenger Award Day 5

周雨 ZHOU Yu (CHN)



-      It will be calculated based on the World Ranking Points in May 2019;

-      According to the match results of the Men’s and Women’s Singles, the Award will be given to the player with lower points in the ranking winning the player with higher points, with the greatest ranking point difference (except those matches with player withdrawn) ;

-      Only results in Singles matches will be counted;

-      Only one player (including Men’s & Women’s events) will be awarded each day
(from 4th to 8th June) except the final day 9th June;

-      The Winners of the same ranking point difference would have the award;

-      The winning player will be awarded USD500 and a Certificate.


-   以2019年5月份世界排名榜之積分為依據;

-   根據男女子單打賽事的比賽成績,排名榜積分較低的球員戰勝積分較高的球員,

     以積分差距最大的獲獎 (其中一方棄權除外) ;

-   只計算單打賽成績;

-   每個比賽日(6月4至8日,6月9日除外)選出一名得獎球員(不分男女);

-   如勝出的球員分差相同,均可獲奬;

-   獲獎球員可獲美金500元及證書作為獎勵