

The Asian Cup is an annual event which is sanctioned by Asian Table Tennis Union. After a lapse of two decades, with the support of Home Affairs from the Home Affairs Bureau and Leisure & Cultural Services Department, title sponsored by GAC Group, the “GAC Group 26th Table Tennis Asian Cup 2013” will be held on 12-14 April, 2013 in Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Hong Kong.

16 Men and 16 Women players from Asia with top world ranking will be invited to compete in the events of Men and Women’s Singles. It is expected that the event to be well attended by top caliber players thus spectators should be able to witness some spectacular performances in the competition.

亞洲乒壇盛事 「亞洲杯」,將於今年4月重臨香港。由亞洲乒乓球聯盟授權,民政事務局及康樂及文化事務署資助和廣汽集團冠名贊助之「廣汽集團201326屆亞洲杯乒乓球比賽」將於201341214日,假香港伊沙伯體育館舉行。世界排名最高的16名亞洲男女子運動員將被邀出席。為爭奪亞洲杯盟主寶座,相信將會有一番龍爭虎鬥,球迷必定大飽眼福。